Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Any wonder why most of the rich stay rich and most of the poor still struggle to keep up? They found a need and are filling it!

Wealth in most cases in the 21st century is created. For the money to start flocking and coming in, one must find an area where you can attract a lot of interests and the need of others. You must appeal to thier needs, check out what they are not getting, what someone else is not offering and get into it. That way you would have created a situation whereby you become very well sought out. Money comes when every one requires your services or your skills or your products.

Firstly, therefore, look around you.

1. What is it that people around you are lacking which you think you can do
2. What are you very passionate about. Something you like doing.
3. Who else is already offering what you intend doing.
4. How is he doing his and which area do you think in the business that you can add something new. An innovation perhaps

Having known all these, then you should take your time to recreate and rexamine your ideas. There are always needs in human life waiting for someone else to fill. This is where you strike.

In the Nigerian context though, which is the topic of this post, there are a lot of areas prospective investors can go into which I will enumerate here. Depending on your pocket, there are always areas to invest. Initial capital should not scare a potential investor. There is so much money in circulation that one should not be complaining about money. Your target customers hold your capital. If you are really convinced about your idea, talk to people, go to various offices whom you know will need your product or services. They are having the money and before you know they will part with it. A friend of mine began an industrial cleaning company with absolutely nothing. She knew what she wanted and she went round to the industries that needed her services, conivinced them to give her the job. She did one and then another and now, she employs eight people and have gotten all the equipments she needs. She has a contract with about six companies and firms to be cleaning them. Was she bemoaning about capital to start up? Of course she will not be where she is now. Let us see some areas asking for investments now

(a) Fish Farming
(b) Snail farming
(c) Poultry
(d)Industrial cleaning and fumigation
(e) lunch distribution with caterers
(f) event planning and management
(g) real estate
(h) food processing and packaging
(i) consultancy in training , seminars and workshops
(j) employment agencies
(k) IT (computers and repairs)
(l) beauty parlour
(m) laundry and dry cleaning services
(n) power generation and distribution.

I will develop on these sub topics for investment in my next post with information on start up and how-to-do. I will give you a feasibility studies of all and the opportunities of making your money while doing what you love - serving people

See you soon.


Unknown said...

You are very correct man! I can't wait to read the second part of this. I will contact you for future advice and investment planning. Thanks and keep it up

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Just came across your blog few minutes ago, and need I say more??? You nailed it as usual offering a practical solution and giving one so many business ideals. Bikoo hurry with the subsequent post oo, looking forword to it. JisikEeeee!