Wednesday, September 17, 2008



The people of Igbo land inhabit the Niger delta area of southeastern Nigeria. Igbo land is one of the major ethnic groups that make up Nigeria in the western region of Africa.

Marriage in Igbo land is an age old institution and has a respectable place in the socio economic life of the people. This is evidenced in the regard and belief that an unmarried man is viewed as an OSE AKA (social delinquent), AKO OGHELLI (social nuisance) et al. one major preoccupation of an Igbo adolescent male therefore is marriage so as to remove the social stigma usually associated with the Ose aka and Ako Oghelli. Indeed an unmarried Igbo man is seldom entrusted with any political position and is never considered for leadership for if he cannot manage a family, he can never manage the society.

IGBA NKWU, IBU MMANYA NWANYI, INU NWANYI (traditional marriage) is a function that awaits every Igbo male after reaching puberty and must be carried out with as little delay as possible. Igbos are a patriarchal people. Marriage therefore is an indispensable factor for the continuation of family lineage. Begetting children occupies the central point in Igbo marriage. So every Igbo man looks forward to marriage and when asked why he or she wants to get married, the answer comes handily “so I can have my own children” so as to carry on my lineage. Couples and their parents long for this and pray for it always and in the morning when praying over the kola nut. Little wonder then why some Igbos name their children – Nwaka Ego (child out values money), Nwa bu ugwu (Child brings respect), Nwakasi or Nwakacha (child is greatest) Nwa ka Aku (child is greater than wealth), Nwakanma (child is best) Nwa di aguu (child is desirable). This love for children therefore is the core point in Igbo marriage.

A woman’s fertility is very important in the consideration of marriage by a suitor. Although there is no yardstick to measure productivity but the potential suitor considers if there is any form of bareness in the woman’s kindred or extended family before making his first move. A childless marriage is regarded as chi ojoo and is a serious disappointment for the couples.

Traditional marriage in Igbo land is procedural. It begins with IKU AKA N’ UZOR (first visit). Literally this means knocking on the door of the would-be in-laws by the groom’s family. When a man comes of age to marry, he informs his family of his intentions and the search begins. In selecting a bride, care is taken so as to select somebody who will be very much acceptable not only to the family but the kindred in general. A wife is not just for the husband alone but for the entire family thus Nwunye anyi (our wife). When a bride is selected, investigations are then carried out by the groom’s family into the history and lifestyle of the bride’s family i.e.

(1) is there a history of madness

(2) is there a history of leprosy (considered as incurable)

(3) has there been cases of divorce ( does the mother live with her husband)

if the groom’s family is satisfied, then the first visit (Iku aka n’ Uzor) comes in. the groom’s family sends about three representatives to the bride’s family. They take with them kola nut and palm wine for this customary visit even if they will succeed or not for okwu di nma, nze ataa orji, okwu di njo, nze ataa orji (the titled man will break kola nut whether good or bad). Each family of course has a speaker on both sides to represent them in this case. They all mostly talk in proverbs so that the Ofeke (tout) will not understand. The groom’s family may start by saying they saw a bird fly pass them and finally perched in this house. There intention is to catch the bird. If this first meeting ends well, the bride’s family will ask their visitors to go home, that subsequently they will pass a message across to them. Finally they ask their daughter for her opinion. Point of note here is that no suitor is outrightly rejected by saying no our daughter is not interested in you. He may be informed that she wants to further her education first or that she is still young or any other subtle and cogent reason is given. When they get message of the success of their first visit, the suitors may now prepare for their second visit, Ime Ego.

IME EGO (bride price or dowry) is another ceremony of its own. It involves a kind of drama between the two speakers on both sides haggling and haggling on the price or amount of dowry. When this is done usually after some hours, the dowry is paid. Another day is fixed for the celebration or drinking to the dowry. On this third visit, the little drama of dowry is enacted again between the speakers in public view but Ofeke will not know that already the dowry has been concluded and paid during the second visit. There is some merry making and a little feasting on this occasion.

The bride is considered customarily as the groom’s wife when the dowry is paid and she must carry herself thenceforth in a manner befitting a married woman and visit to the groom’s house is prohibited still. After the dowry, (in some villages though),

there comes another visit IMA OGODO. On this occasion, gifts are presented to the youths of the bride’s kindred (umu okolobia), the maidens (umu agboghobia) and the female members already married outside (umu okpu).

The suitor decides by himself the day of Igba Nkwu (traditional marriage). This is a very special occasion and day for both families and their friends and relatives. It is a great day with music and fanfare. Different kinds of music and musicians are invited and different dishes prepared. It is festivity indeed. Thereafter the bride is taken amidst drums and music and is escorted to her new home.

IDU UNO is the process where the bride’s father and family present her with gifts as they deem fit and depending on their own capacity and ability.

IMALU BE OGO. The bride’s family will decide on their own date when to visit the groom’s family to know where their daughter stays. On this occasion, food, drinks and wines are served also.

IKPOLU UNO. Some days after the Igbo Nkwu (traditional marriage) the bride is also escorted back to her father’s home with gifts for her mother who trained her.

All these processes and stages that are attendant to the traditional marriage ceremony in Igbo land are accomplished and done depending on the ability of the suitor. Some villages are cutting costs these days to encourage people to get married and make marriage cost less.
Finally it is understood that marriage is an institution ordained and no matter the amount of money you spend in marriage, you cannot effectively and efficiently recompense for the value of the woman you took away from her family

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